Lecture and Teaching Guide

  1. All courses are taught in the semesters of the academic year determined by the academic program. The elective courses are available at the semester determined by a decision of the Program’s Committee at the beginning of the academic year.
  2. Courses are taught with lectures in classrooms and with specialized exercises in the laboratory. Remote lectures and seminars by invited speakers can be held as part of the courses. Asynchronous remote methods may also be used for the preparation of course projects and assignments.
  3. The hourly load of each may include:
    • individual study by students to familiarize themselves with theoretical and practical concepts,
    • study and projects for preparing exercises, individual or group assignments, etc.

    The above components are counted and contribute to the total load of the course, as determined by the Study Program.

  4. The above are included in the outline of the course and are posted on webpage of each course on the e-learning platform eclass.uniwa.gr.